Om oss
We create fun products that make you smile. When we create, we make high-quality goods that are also not so bad for the world. From time to time our products have some social commentary or are related to Norwegian culture.

The proprietors
Your esteemed proprietors come from the tech world blah blah A.I. etc. etc. Machine Learning A.I so and so. Having worked at such fancy companies as Myspace, Oda, and Whereby. We know a thing or two about company building. Everything else we learn as we go…
..and other lies we tell ourselves.

Our Butikk
We have one of those weird little stores with random hours in the wonderful neighborhood of Bislett. You can pickup your orders here or just pop in for a smell.

Join a Workshop
We put on workshops where you can make your own candle. Pick you own glass container, fragrance, and label text.